Paparazzi UAS  v5.14.0_stable-0-g3f680d1
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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gvf_module module

Guidance algorithm for tracking smooth trajectories

The algorithm is based on the idea of stearing the vehicle to a vector field that smoothly converges to the desired trajectory. For more details we refer to .

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

1 <module name="gvf_module"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: Ellipse prefix: GVF_ELLIPSE_
    • name KE value: 1
      Description: Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf
    • name KN value: 1
      Description: Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf
    • name A value: 80
      Description: Horizontal axis length of the ellipse
    • name B value: 80
      Description: Vertical axis length of the ellipse
    • name ALPHA value: 0
      Description: Rotation of the horizontal axis
  • section name: Line prefix: GVF_LINE_
    • name KE value: 1
      Description: Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf
    • name KN value: 1
      Description: Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf
    • name HEADING value: 0
      Description: Desired heading for the line (0 is North, 90 is East)
    • name D1 value: 0
      Description: Extra distance (w.r.t. the 1st point) to be travelled before turning around for the segment_loop
    • name D2 value: 0
      Description: Extra distance (w.r.t. the 2nd point) to be travelled before turning around for the segment_loop
  • section name: Sinusoidal prefix: GVF_SIN_
    • name KE value: 1
      Description: Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf
    • name KN value: 1
      Description: Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf
    • name ALPHA value: 0
      Description: Desired heading for the line (0 is East, 90 is North)
    • name W value: 0
      Description: Frequency for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)
    • name OFF value: 0
      Description: Offset for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)
    • name A value: 0
      Description: Amplitude for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw gvf_module.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="gvf" dir="guidance/gvf">
<description>Guidance algorithm for tracking smooth trajectories. The algorithm is based on the idea of stearing the vehicle to a vector field that smoothly converges to the desired trajectory.
For more details we refer to .
<section name="Ellipse" prefix="GVF_ELLIPSE_">
<define name="KE" value="1" description="Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf"/>
<define name="KN" value="1" description="Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf"/>
<define name="A" value="80" description="Horizontal axis length of the ellipse" unit="m"/>
<define name="B" value="80" description="Vertical axis length of the ellipse" unit="m"/>
<define name="ALPHA" value="0" description="Rotation of the horizontal axis" unit="deg"/>
<section name="Line" prefix="GVF_LINE_">
<define name="KE" value="1" description="Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf"/>
<define name="KN" value="1" description="Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf"/>
<define name="HEADING" value="0" description="Desired heading for the line (0 is North, 90 is East)" unit="deg"/>
<define name="D1" value="0" description="Extra distance (w.r.t. the 1st point) to be travelled before turning around for the segment_loop" unit="m"/>
<define name="D2" value="0" description="Extra distance (w.r.t. the 2nd point) to be travelled before turning around for the segment_loop" unit="m"/>
<section name="Sinusoidal" prefix="GVF_SIN_">
<define name="KE" value="1" description="Gain for the aggresivity of the gvf"/>
<define name="KN" value="1" description="Gain for the alignment of the vehicle with the gvf"/>
<define name="ALPHA" value="0" description="Desired heading for the line (0 is East, 90 is North)" unit="deg"/>
<define name="W" value="0" description="Frequency for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)" unit="rad/m"/>
<define name="OFF" value="0" description="Offset for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)" unit="rad"/>
<define name="A" value="0" description="Amplitude for the sinusoidal y=Asin(Wx + OFF)" unit="m"/>
<settings name="GVF">
<dl_settings NAME="GVF">
<dl_settings NAME="Control">
<dl_setting MAX="1" MIN="-1" STEP="2" VAR="gvf_control.s" shortname = "direction"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Ellipse">
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="ell_ke" param="GVF_ELLIPSE_KE"/>
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="ell_kn" param="GVF_ELLIPSE_KN"/>
<dl_setting MAX="150" MIN="0.0" STEP="10" VAR="gvf_ellipse_par.a" shortname="ell_a" param="GVF_ELLIPSE_A"/>
<dl_setting MAX="150" MIN="0.0" STEP="10" VAR="gvf_ellipse_par.b" shortname="ell_b" param="GVF_ELLIPSE_B"/>
<dl_setting MAX="90" MIN="-90" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_ellipse_par.alpha" shortname="ell_alpha" param="GVF_ELLIPSE_ALPHA"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Line">
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="line_ke" param="GVF_LINE_KE"/>
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="line_kn" param="GVF_LINE_KN"/>
<dl_setting MAX="180" MIN="-180" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_line_par.heading" shortname="line_heading" param="GVF_LINE_HEADING"/>
<dl_setting MAX="100" MIN="0" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_segment_par.d1" shortname="d1_seg" param="GVF_SEGMENT_D1"/>
<dl_setting MAX="100" MIN="0" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_segment_par.d2" shortname="d2_seg" param="GVF_SEGMENT_D2"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Sine">
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="sin_ke" param="GVF_SIN_KE"/>
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="0.0" STEP="0.01" VAR="" shortname="sin_kn" param="GVF_SIN_KN"/>
<dl_setting MAX="180" MIN="-180" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_sin_par.alpha" shortname="sin_alpha" param="GVF_SIN_ALPHA"/>
<dl_setting MAX="0.01" MIN="0" STEP="0.0001" VAR="gvf_sin_par.w" shortname="sin_w" param="GVF_SIN_W"/>
<dl_setting MAX="6.2" MIN="0" STEP="0.002" VAR="" shortname="sin_off" param="GVF_SIN_OFF"/>
<dl_setting MAX="100" MIN="0" STEP="1" VAR="gvf_sin_par.A" shortname="sin_amplitude" param="GVF_SIN_A"/>
<file name="gvf.h"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_line.h"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_sin.h"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_ellipse.h"/>
<file name="nav/nav_survey_polygon_gvf.h"/>
<init fun = "gvf_init()"/>
<makefile firmware="fixedwing">
<file name="gvf.c"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_line.c"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_sin.c"/>
<file name="trajectories/gvf_ellipse.c"/>
<file name="nav/nav_survey_polygon_gvf.c"/>