39 #warning "The Lsm303dlhc I2C driver has not been tested. Use with caution."
46 enum Lsm303dlhcAccConfStatus acc;
47 enum Lsm303dlhcMagConfStatus mag;
struct i2c_transaction i2c_trans
struct i2c_periph * i2c_p
union Lsm303dlhc_i2c::@308 config
void lsm303dlhc_i2c_event(struct Lsm303dlhc_i2c *lsm)
bool initialized
config done flag
union Lsm303dlhc_i2c::@306 init_status
union Lsm303dlhc_i2c::@307 data_accel
I2C transaction structure.
I2C peripheral structure.
volatile bool data_available
data ready flag
static void lsm303dlhc_i2c_periodic(struct Lsm303dlhc_i2c *lsm)
convenience function: read or start configuration if not already initialized
void lsm303dlhc_i2c_start_configure(struct Lsm303dlhc_i2c *lsm)
void lsm303dlhc_i2c_read(struct Lsm303dlhc_i2c *lsm)
void lsm303dlhc_i2c_init(struct Lsm303dlhc_i2c *lsm, struct i2c_periph *i2c_p, uint8_t addr)
Initialize Lsm303dlhc struct and set default config options.
Driver for ST LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
Paparazzi fixed point algebra.
Architecture independent I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus) API.