30 #include "../flight_gear.h"
double total_pressure
total atmospheric pressure in Pascal
uint32_t eng_state[FG_NET_FDM_MAX_ENGINES]
struct DoubleQuat ecef_to_body_quat
vector in North East Down coordinates Units: meters
struct NedCoor_d ltpprz_ecef_accel
accel in ltppprz frame, wrt ECEF frame
struct LlaCoor_d lla_pos_geoc
struct DoubleVect3 body_inertial_accel
acceleration in body frame, wrt ECI inertial frame
struct DoubleRates body_ecef_rotvel
struct NpsFdm fdm
Holds all necessary NPS FDM state information.
struct NedCoor_d ltp_ecef_accel
acceleration in LTP frame, wrt ECEF frame
struct DoubleRates body_ecef_rotaccel
struct LlaCoor_d lla_pos_pprz
vector in Latitude, Longitude and Altitude
struct DoubleRates body_inertial_rotvel
void nps_fdm_set_temperature(double temp, double h)
Set temperature in degrees Celcius at given height h above MSL.
struct DoubleEulers ltp_to_body_eulers
struct NedCoor_d ltp_ecef_vel
velocity in LTP frame, wrt ECEF frame
double pressure_sl
pressure at sea level in Pascal
struct NedCoor_d ltpprz_pos
Paparazzi double-precision floating point math for geodetic calculations.
struct EcefCoor_d ecef_ecef_vel
velocity in ECEF frame, wrt ECEF frame
double airspeed
equivalent airspeed in m/s
struct DoubleVect3 body_accel
acceleration in body frame as measured by an accelerometer (incl.
double pressure
current (static) atmospheric pressure in Pascal
void nps_fdm_set_turbulence(double wind_speed, int turbulence_severity)
struct DoubleVect3 wind
velocity in m/s in NED
struct LlaCoor_d lla_pos_geod
double dynamic_pressure
dynamic pressure in Pascal
void nps_fdm_run_step(bool launch, double *commands, int commands_nb)
Update the simulation state.
vector in EarthCenteredEarthFixed coordinates
void nps_fdm_init(double dt)
Initialize actuator dynamics, set unused fields in fdm.
struct DoubleVect3 body_ecef_vel
velocity in body frame, wrt ECEF frame
static void h(const real32_T x[7], const real32_T q[4], real32_T y[6])
double temperature
current temperature in degrees Celcius
pprz_t commands[COMMANDS_NB]
Storage of intermediate command values.
struct DoubleQuat ltpprz_to_body_quat
struct EcefCoor_d ecef_pos
struct DoubleVect3 body_ecef_accel
acceleration in body frame, wrt ECEF frame
Paparazzi double precision floating point algebra.
struct NedCoor_d ltpprz_ecef_vel
velocity in ltppprz frame, wrt ECEF frame
void nps_fdm_set_wind_ned(double wind_north, double wind_east, double wind_down)
struct DoubleQuat ltp_to_body_quat
double sideslip
sideslip angle in rad
struct EcefCoor_d ecef_ecef_accel
acceleration in ECEF frame, wrt ECEF frame
void nps_fdm_set_wind(double speed, double dir)
struct DoubleEulers ltpprz_to_body_eulers
struct DoubleRates body_inertial_rotaccel
double aoa
angle of attack in rad