void add_values_to_buffer(void)
Function adding the configured messages to the buffers of the values to be written in memory...
void run_logger(void)
Funcion called to add the values to log to the buffer with a frequency divider in order to not overfl...
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_handler(uint8_t val)
Function managing the interface with the user.
uint8_t end_log(void)
Function ending the current log.
void memory_read_values(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t size)
Function sending a request to read some values in memory.
uint8_t run_memory_management(void)
Function sending the buffer to the memory when possible.
void send_buffer_to_uart(void)
Function sending the read values from the memory to te UART.
uint8_t append_values_to_memory(uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function adding a buffer of values to the memory.
uint8_t ml_erase_completely_memory(void)
Function erasing the entire memory.
uint8_t are_buffers_empty(void)
Function returning true if the two local buffers are empty.
void memory_read_status_1(void)
Function sending a request to fetch the status Byte of the memory.
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_periodic(void)
Main function of the module.
uint8_t ml_erase_4k_on_memory(uint32_t mem_addr)
Function erasing 4KB of the memory.
void ml_read_log_in_memory(void)
Function continuing the reading of the current log in memory.
void add_array_to_buffer(uint8_t *array, uint8_t size)
Function adding an array to the local buffer.
uint8_t is_sequence_in_array(uint8_t *array, uint8_t array_size, uint8_t *sequence, uint8_t sequence_size)
Function testing if a sequence is in a buffer of values.
uint8_t start_new_log(void)
Function starting a new log.
uint8_t logging_status_gui
Status of the module.
void memory_send_wrdi(void)
Function sending a request to clear the writte enable flag in the memory.
void memory_erase_4k(uint32_t mem_addr)
Function sending a request to erase 4KB of the memory.
void memory_send_wren(void)
Function sending a request to set the writte enable flag in the memory.
void add_byte_to_buffer(uint8_t value)
Function adding a Byte to the local buffer.
void memory_write_values(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function sending a request to write a buffer of values to the memory.
void memory_read_id(void)
Function sending a request for the ID of the memory chip.
uint8_t ml_write_values_to_memory(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function writting a buffer of values to the memory.
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_init(void)
Function initialisating the module.
uint8_t send_buffer_to_memory(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *size)
Function sending a buffer ot the memory.
void memory_completly_erase(void)
Function sending a request to erase the entire memory.