Smooth navigation to wp_a along an arc (around wp_cd), a segment (from wp_rd to wp_ta) and a second arc (around wp_ca).
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Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
1 <module name="nav_smooth"/>
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw nav_smooth.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="nav_smooth" dir="nav">
Smooth navigation to wp_a along an arc (around wp_cd), a segment (from wp_rd to wp_ta) and a second arc (around wp_ca).
<dl_settings NAME="snav">
<dl_settings NAME="tow">
<dl_setting module="nav/nav_smooth" var="snav_desired_tow" min="0" max="604800" step="1"/>
<file name="nav_smooth.h"/>
<makefile target="ap|sim|nps">
<file name="nav_smooth.c"/>