PTU board from Meteo France (pressure, temperature, humidity).
Raw meteo data:
- Pressure in ADC
- Temperature in ADC
- Humidity in micro-seconds (period of the input signal)
When using SEND_PTU flag, scaled pressure, temperature and humidity data are sent over telemetry with the PAYLOAD_FLOAT message (array of float). If scale factors and offset are not specified, raw values are sent (scale=1.0, offset=0).
When using LOG_PTU flag, raw pressure, temperature and humidity data are stored with raw gps data (position, speed, time, status). Field names and units are in the first line of the log file.
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
1 <module name="pwm_meas"/>
3 <configure name="ADC_PRESSURE" value="ADC_X" />
4 <configure name="ADC_TEMPERATURE" value="ADC_X" />
5 <configure name="PWM_INPUT_HUMIDITY" value="PWM_INPUTX" />
Module configuration options
Configure Options
- name:
value: ADC_X
Description: Select ADC channel for pressure sensor
- name:
value: ADC_X
Description: Select ADC channel for temperature sensor
- name:
Description: Select PWM input channel for humidity sensor
Airframe file section
- section name:
- name
Description: If defined, enable power by setting the specified GPIO to 1 at starup
- name
value: 0
Description: Offset in ADC of the pressure sensor
- name
value: 1.
Description: Scale factor of the pressure sensor
- name
value: 0
Description: Offset in ADC of the temperature sensor
- name
value: 1.
Description: Scale factor of the temperature sensor
- name
value: 0
Description: Offset in micro seconds of the humidity sensor
- name
value: 1.
Description: Scale factor of the pressure sensor
- name
Description: Log data on SD card (ascii format, raw PTU data + GPS data)
- name
value: TRU|FALSE
Description: Send data over telemetry (PAYLOAD_FLOAT message, scaled PTU data)
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Periodic Functions
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
- mf_ptu_periodic()
- Frequency in Hz: 10
- Autorun: TRUE
Periodic function automatically starts after init.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw mf_ptu.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="mf_ptu" dir="meteo">
PTU board from Meteo France (pressure, temperature, humidity).
Raw meteo data:
- Pressure in ADC
- Temperature in ADC
- Humidity in micro-seconds (period of the input signal)
When using SEND_PTU flag, scaled pressure, temperature and humidity data are sent over telemetry with the PAYLOAD_FLOAT message (array of float).
If scale factors and offset are not specified, raw values are sent (scale=1.0, offset=0).
When using LOG_PTU flag, raw pressure, temperature and humidity data are stored with raw gps data (position, speed, time, status).
Field names and units are in the first line of the log file.
<configure name="ADC_PRESSURE" value="ADC_X" description="Select ADC channel for pressure sensor"/>
<configure name="ADC_TEMPERATURE" value="ADC_X" description="Select ADC channel for temperature sensor"/>
<configure name="PWM_INPUT_HUMIDITY" value="PWM_INPUTX" description="Select PWM input channel for humidity sensor"/>
<section name="MF_PTU">
<define name="PTU_POWER_GPIO" value="GPIOX,GPIOYY" description="If defined, enable power by setting the specified GPIO to 1 at starup"/>
<define name="PTU_PRESSURE_OFFSET" value="0" description="Offset in ADC of the pressure sensor"/>
<define name="PTU_PRESSURE_SCALE" value="1." description="Scale factor of the pressure sensor"/>
<define name="PTU_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET" value="0" description="Offset in ADC of the temperature sensor"/>
<define name="PTU_TEMPERATURE_SCALE" value="1." description="Scale factor of the temperature sensor"/>
<define name="PTU_HUMIDITY_OFFSET" value="0" description="Offset in micro seconds of the humidity sensor"/>
<define name="PTU_HUMIDITY_SCALE" value="1." description="Scale factor of the pressure sensor"/>
<define name="LOG_PTU" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="Log data on SD card (ascii format, raw PTU data + GPS data)"/>
<define name="SEND_PTU" value="TRU|FALSE" description="Send data over telemetry (PAYLOAD_FLOAT message, scaled PTU data)"/>
<file name="mf_ptu.h"/>
<init fun="mf_ptu_init()"/>
<periodic fun="mf_ptu_periodic()" freq="10" autorun="TRUE"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="mf_ptu.c"/>
<define name="ADC_CHANNEL_PRESSURE" value="$(ADC_PRESSURE)"/>
<define name="USE_$(ADC_PRESSURE)"/>
<define name="USE_$(ADC_TEMPERATURE)"/>