Direct SPI SD Logger that saves pprzlog messages to SD Card.
This module logs data directly to an SD Card which is connected on a SPI port. For now, it is only possible to use a radio switch to start and stop logging.
The values to be logged are defined in the telemetry config file. An example is available in rotorcraft_with_logger.xml. The logmessage is defined as the default message in the process "Logger".
A LOGGER_LED can be enabled which indicates if the logger is writing or reading data.
Downloading of the data occurs over an UART datalink. There is no check to verify that all data is transfered, so it is recommended to use an FTDI cable to the UART port.
Do not use start/stop functionality of the module, the module is not intended to be used like this.
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
1 <module name="logger_sd_spi_direct">
2 <configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI" value="SPI1|SPI2|SPI3|SPI4|SPI5|SPI6" />
4 <configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_CONTROL_SWITCH" value="RADIO_AUX2" />
5 <configure name="LOGGER_LED" value="none" />
Module configuration options
Configure Options
- name:
value: SPI1|SPI2|SPI3|SPI4|SPI5|SPI6
Description: Port to which the SD Card is connected.
- name:
Description: Port to which the SD Card is connected.
- name:
value: RADIO_AUX2
- name:
value: none
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Periodic Functions
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
Datalink Functions
Whenever the specified datalink message is received, the corresponing handler function is called.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw logger_sd_spi_direct.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="logger_sd_spi_direct" dir="loggers">
Direct SPI SD Logger that saves pprzlog messages to SD Card.
This module logs data directly to an SD Card which is connected on a SPI port. For now, it is only possible to use a radio switch to start and stop logging.
The values to be logged are defined in the telemetry config file. An example is available in rotorcraft_with_logger.xml. The logmessage is defined as the default message in the process "Logger".
A LOGGER_LED can be enabled which indicates if the logger is writing or reading data.
Downloading of the data occurs over an UART datalink. There is no check to verify that all data is transfered, so it is recommended to use an FTDI cable to the UART port.
Do not use start/stop functionality of the module, the module is not intended to be used like this.
<configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI" value="SPI1|SPI2|SPI3|SPI4|SPI5|SPI6" description="Port to which the SD Card is connected."/>
<configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI_SLAVE" value="SPI_SLAVE1|SPI_SLAVE2|SPI_SLAVE3|SPI_SLAVE4|SPI_SLAVE5|SPI_SLAVE6" description="Port to which the SD Card is connected."/>
<configure name="LOGGER_LED" value="none"/>
<dl_settings NAME="sdlogger">
<dl_settings NAME="SD Logger">
<dl_setting module="loggers/sdlogger_spi_direct" var="sdlogger_spi.status" min="0" max="20" step="1"/>
<dl_setting module="loggers/sdlogger_spi_direct" var="sdcard1.status" min="0" max="40" step="1"/>
<dl_setting module="loggers/sdlogger_spi_direct" var="sdcard1.error_status" min="0" max="15" step="1"/>
<dl_setting module="loggers/sdlogger_spi_direct" var="sdlogger_spi.command" min="1" max="42" step="1" />
<dl_setting module="loggers/sdlogger_spi_direct" var="sdlogger_spi.do_log" min="0" max="1" step="1" values="Off|On"/>
<file name="sdlogger_spi_direct.h"/>
<init fun="sdlogger_spi_direct_init()"/>
<periodic fun="sdlogger_spi_direct_periodic()" freq="512" start="sdlogger_spi_direct_start()" stop="sdlogger_spi_direct_stop()" autorun="TRUE"/>
<datalink message="SETTING" fun="sdlogger_spi_direct_command()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI" default="spi2" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI_SLAVE" default="spi_slave2" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="LOGGER_LED" default="none"/>
<define name="LOGGER_LED" value="$(LOGGER_LED)" cond="ifneq ($(LOGGER_LED),none)"/>
include $(CFG_SHARED)/sdlog.makefile
include $(CFG_SHARED)/spi_master.makefile
<file name="sdcard_spi.c" dir="peripherals"/>
<file name="sdlogger_spi_direct.c"/>
<define name="USE_$(SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI_UPPER)" value="1" />
<define name="USE_$(SDLOGGER_DIRECT_SPI_SLAVE_UPPER)" value="1" />