Log on a SD card, either text or binary data.
Based on ChibiOS HAL and Threads. If board allows it (ex: Apogee), the log file is automatically closed on power down. Files are written on a FAT file system using the FatFS library and can be accessed by using the autopilot as a mass storage (plug USB while the board is running).
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
2 <module name="logger_sd_chibios"/>
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw logger_sd_chibios.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="logger_sd_chibios" dir="loggers">
Log on a SD card, either text or binary data.
Based on ChibiOS HAL and Threads.
If board allows it (ex: Apogee), the log file is automatically closed on power down.
Files are written on a FAT file system using the FatFS library and can be accessed
by using the autopilot as a mass storage (plug USB while the board is running).
<file name="sdlog_chibios.h" />
<init fun="sdlog_chibios_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="sdlog_chibios.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/sdLog.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/msg_queue.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/sdLog.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/printf.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/usb_msd.c"/>
<file name="sdlog_chibios/usbStorage.c"/>
<file_arch name="sdio_arch.c" dir="mcu_periph"/>
<configure name="USE_FATFS" value="TRUE"/>
<define name="HAL_USE_RTC" value="TRUE"/>
<define name="HAL_USE_SDC" value="TRUE"/>
<define name="HAL_USE_USB" value="TRUE"/>