Light Solar
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Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
1 <module name="light_solar"/>
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Periodic Functions
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
- light_solar_periodic()
- Frequency in Hz: 60
- Autorun: LOCK
Periodic function automatically starts after init and can't be stopped.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw light_solar.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="light_solar" dir="meteo">
<file name="light_solar.h"/>
<init fun="light_solar_init()"/>
<periodic fun="light_solar_periodic()" freq="60"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="light_solar.c"/>
<define name="ADC_CHANNEL_LIGHT_SOLAR_UP" value="ADC_1"/>
<define name="USE_ADC_1"/>
<define name="ADC_CHANNEL_LIGHT_SOLAR_DN" value="ADC_2"/>
<define name="USE_ADC_2"/>