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These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_textons" dir="computer_vision">
<description>Represent the appearance (texture, color) of an image by means of a texton histogram.</description>
<section name="TEXTONS" prefix="TEXTONS_">
<define name="LOAD_DICTIONARY" value="YES" description="Whether a dictionary is loaded (YES) or learned (NO)."/>
<define name="N_TEXTONS" value="20" description="The number of textons (words) in the dictionary."/>
<define name="PATCH_SIZE" value="6" description="Size of the image patches extracted from the image - even numbers."/>
<define name="FULL_SAMPLING" value="NO" description="If YES, the entire image is covered with samples, if NO sub-sampling is used (faster)."/>
<define name="DICTIONARY_NUMBER" value="0" description="Number of the dictionary (so that different environments can each have their specific dictionary)."/>
<define name="ALPHA" value="10" description="Learning rate when creating the dictionary: 0 = no learning, 255 = the texton becomes equal to the new patch."/>
<define name="N_SAMPLES_IMAGE" value="50" description="Number of samples extracted form the image when not doing full sampling."/>
<define name="N_LEARNING_SAMPLES" value="10000" description="Number of samples used for learning the dictionary."/>
<define name="BORDER_WIDTH" value="0" description="Width of the image border from which no samples are taken."/>
<define name="BORDER_HEIGHT" value="0" description="Height of the border from which no samples are taken."/>
<dl_settings NAME="Textons">
<dl_setting var="load_dictionary" min="0" step="1" max="1" module="computer_vision/textons" shortname="load dict." values="NO|YES" param="TEXTONS_LOAD_DICTIONARY"/>
<dl_setting var="n_textons" min="1" step="1" max="255" shortname="n_textons" param="TEXTONS_N_TEXTONS"/>
<dl_setting var="patch_size" min="2" step="2" max="40" shortname="p_size" param="TEXTONS_PATCH_SIZE" />
<dl_setting var="FULL_SAMPLING" min="0" step="1" max="1" shortname="full_sam" values="NO|YES" param="TEXTONS_FULL_SAMPLING" />
<dl_setting var="dictionary_number" min="0" step="1" max="20" shortname="dict_num" param="TEXTONS_DICTIONARY_NUMBER" />
<dl_setting var="n_samples_image" min="0" step="10" max="1000" shortname="n_samples" param="TEXTONS_ALPHA" />
<dl_setting var="n_learning_samples" min="1" step="100" max="250000" shortname="n_l_samples" param="TEXTONS_N_LEARNING_SAMPLES" />
<dl_setting var="alpha" min="0" step="1" max="255" shortname="alpha" param="TEXTONS_ALPHA"/>
<dl_setting var="border_width" min="0" step="1" max="200" shortname="b_w" param="TEXTONS_BORDER_WIDTH"/>
<dl_setting var="border_height" min="0" step="1" max="200" shortname="b_h" param="TEXTONS_BORDER_HEIGHT"/>
<file name="textons.h"/>
<init fun="textons_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="textons.c"/>
<file name="image.c" dir="modules/computer_vision/lib/vision"/>