Propagation is done in quaternion representation.
By default uses magnetometer for heading for rotorcrafts. For fixedwing firmware AHRS_GRAVITY_UPDATE_COORDINATED_TURN is enabled by default and magnetometer disabled (needs GPS).
To measure attitude angles, gyrometers measurements are integrated. The result of integration is accurate for short term, but gyro bias is accumulated, which results in long term errors (drift). On the other hand, accelerometers can be used to infer pitch/roll angles utilizing gravity vector measurement, but they suffer from noise due to vibrations. The measurement is then only accurate when averaged over a long term. Also, accelerometers alone are unable to give accurate angles when the vehicle is accelerating. Complementary filter takes advantage of both sensors, using a low-pass filter on accelerometer readings and high pass filter on gyrometers readings, to estimate attitude angles.
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
<module name="ahrs_int_cmpl_quat">
b'<define name="AHRS_MAG_UPDATE_ALL_AXES" value="FALSE|TRUE" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_USE_GPS_HEADING" value="FALSE|TRUE" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_FLOATING_HEADING" value="FALSE|TRUE" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_PROPAGATE_LOW_PASS_RATES" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_BIAS_UPDATE_HEADING_THRESHOLD" value="5.0" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_HEADING_UPDATE_GPS_MIN_SPEED" value="5.0" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_GRAVITY_HEURISTIC_FACTOR" value="30" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_ICQ_IMU_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_ICQ_MAG_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" />\n '
b'<define name="AHRS_ICQ_GPS_ID" value="GPS_MULTI_ID" />\n '
b'<configure name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" value="AHRS_PRIMARY|AHRS_SECONDARY" />\n '
b'<configure name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" value="TRUE" />\n '
b'<configure name="AHRS_ALIGNER_LED" value="1" />\n '
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" dir="ahrs" task="estimation">
AHRS using complementary filter in fixed point.
Propagation is done in quaternion representation.
By default uses magnetometer for heading for rotorcrafts.
For fixedwing firmware AHRS_GRAVITY_UPDATE_COORDINATED_TURN is enabled by default and magnetometer disabled (needs GPS).
To measure attitude angles, gyrometers measurements are integrated.
The result of integration is accurate for short term, but gyro bias is accumulated, which results in long term errors (drift).
On the other hand, accelerometers can be used to infer pitch/roll angles utilizing gravity vector measurement, but they suffer from noise due to vibrations.
The measurement is then only accurate when averaged over a long term.
Also, accelerometers alone are unable to give accurate angles when the vehicle is accelerating.
Complementary filter takes advantage of both sensors, using a low-pass filter on accelerometer readings and high pass filter on gyrometers readings, to estimate attitude angles.
- No danger of gimbal lock, since quaternions are used.
- The arithmetic is fixed point and is thus suitable if the processor (on your board) has no FPU.
- Estimates the gyro bias.
<configure name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" value="AHRS_PRIMARY|AHRS_SECONDARY" description="set if the AHRS is the primary source (default) or one of the secondary sources"/>
<configure name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" value="TRUE" description="set to FALSE to disable magnetometer"/>
<configure name="AHRS_ALIGNER_LED" value="1" description="LED number to indicate AHRS alignment, none to disable (default is board dependent)"/>
<define name="AHRS_MAG_UPDATE_ALL_AXES" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="Use magnetometer to update all axes and not only yaw"/>
<define name="AHRS_USE_GPS_HEADING" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="Use GPS course to update heading"/>
<define name="AHRS_FLOATING_HEADING" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="If no GPS and no Mag is available, define AHRS_FLOATING_HEADING to silent warnings."/>
<define name="AHRS_GRAVITY_UPDATE_COORDINATED_TURN" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="Compensation of centrifugal force via GPS speed (to fly in circles with a fixedwing)"/>
<define name="AHRS_GPS_SPEED_IN_NEGATIVE_Z_DIRECTION" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="AHRS_GRAVITY_UPDATE_COORDINATED_TURN assumes the GPS speed is in the X axis direction. Quadshot, DelftaCopter and other hybrids can have the GPS speed in the negative Z direction"/>
<define name="AHRS_PROPAGATE_LOW_PASS_RATES" description="apply a low pass filter on rotational velocity"/>
<define name="AHRS_BIAS_UPDATE_HEADING_THRESHOLD" value="5.0" description="don't update gyro bias if heading deviation is above this threshold in degrees"/>
<define name="AHRS_HEADING_UPDATE_GPS_MIN_SPEED" value="5.0" description="Don't update heading from GPS course if GPS ground speed is below is this threshold in m/s"/>
<define name="AHRS_GRAVITY_HEURISTIC_FACTOR" value="30" description="Default is 30. Reduce accelerometer cut-off frequency when the vehicle is accelerating: norm(ax,ay,az) ~ 9,81 m/s2. WARNING: when the IMU is not well damped, the norm of accelerometers never equals to 9,81 m/s2. As a result, the GRAVITY_HEURISTIC_FACTOR will reduce the accelerometer bandwith even if the vehicle is not accelerating. Set to 0 in case of vibrations"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_IMU_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="ABI sender id of IMU to use"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_MAG_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="ABI sender id of magnetometer to use"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_GPS_ID" value="GPS_MULTI_ID" description="ABI sender id of GPS to use"/>
<dl_settings NAME="AHRS ICQ">
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq_enable" min="0" step="1" max="1" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat_wrapper" values="DISABLE|ENABLE" handler="enable"/>
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq.gravity_heuristic_factor" min="0" step="1" max="50" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" shortname="g_heuristic" param="AHRS_GRAVITY_HEURISTIC_FACTOR" type="uint8" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq.accel_omega" min="0.02" step="0.02" max="0.2" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" shortname="acc_omega" param="AHRS_ACCEL_OMEGA" unit="rad/s" handler="SetAccelOmega" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq.accel_zeta" min="0.7" step="0.05" max="1.5" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" shortname="acc_zeta" param="AHRS_ACCEL_ZETA" handler="SetAccelZeta" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq.mag_omega" min="0.02" step="0.01" max="0.1" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" shortname="mag_omega" param="AHRS_MAG_OMEGA" unit="rad/s" handler="SetMagOmega" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="ahrs_icq.mag_zeta" min="0.7" step="0.05" max="1.5" module="modules/ahrs/ahrs_int_cmpl_quat" shortname="mag_zeta" param="AHRS_MAG_ZETA" handler="SetMagZeta" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<file name="ahrs_int_cmpl_quat_wrapper.h"/>
<init fun="ahrs_icq_wrapper_init()"/>
<makefile target="!sim|fbw" firmware="fixedwing">
<configure name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" default="0"/>
<define name="AHRS_USE_GPS_HEADING" cond="ifneq (,$(findstring $(USE_MAGNETOMETER),0 FALSE))"/>
<makefile target="!sim|fbw">
<configure name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" default="AHRS_PRIMARY"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" value="$(AHRS_ICQ_TYPE)"/>
<configure name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" default="1"/>
<define name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" cond="ifeq (,$(findstring $(USE_MAGNETOMETER),0 FALSE))"/>
<file name="ahrs_int_cmpl_quat.c"/>
<file name="ahrs_int_cmpl_quat_wrapper.c"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" value="AHRS_PRIMARY"/>
<define name="USE_MAGNETOMETER"/>
<define name="AHRS_ICQ_TYPE" value="AHRS_PRIMARY"/>
<define name="AHRS_USE_GPS_HEADING"/>
<define name="USE_GPS"/>