Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These event functions are called in each cycle of the module event loop.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="dw1000_arduino" dir="decawave">
Driver to get ranging data from Decawave DW1000 modules connected to Arduino
Decawave DW1000 modules ( are Ultra-Wide-Band devices that can be used for communication and ranging.
Especially, using 3 modules as anchors can provide data for a localization system based on trilateration.
The DW1000 is using a SPI connection, but an arduino-compatible board can be used with the library to hyde the low level drivers and provide direct ranging informations.
<configure name="DW1000_ARDUINO_UART" value="UARTX" description="UART on which arduino and its DW1000 module is connected"/>
<configure name="DW1000_ARDUINO_BAUD" value="B115200" description="UART Baudrate, default to 115200"/>
<section name="DW1000" prefix="DW1000_">
<define name="ANCHORS_IDS" value="1, 2, 3" type="int[]" description="Comma separated list of anchors ID"/>
<define name="ANCHORS_POS_X" value="0., 0., 5." type="float[]" description="Comma separated list of anchors ID over X axis"/>
<define name="ANCHORS_POS_Y" value="0., 5., 0." type="float[]" description="Comma separated list of anchors ID over Y axis"/>
<define name="ANCHORS_POS_Z" value="0., 0., 0." type="float[]" description="Comma separated list of anchors ID over Z axis"/>
<define name="OFFSET" value="0., 0., 0." type="float[]" description="Position offset other X, Y and Z axis"/>
<define name="SCALE" value="1., 1., 1." type="float[]" description="Position scale factor other X, Y and Z axis"/>
<define name="INITIAL_HEADING" value="0." description="Initial heading correction between anchors frame and global frame"/>
<define name="NB_ANCHORS" value="3" description="Set number of anchors, only 3 are required/supported at the moment"/>
<file name="dw1000_arduino.h"/>
<init fun="dw1000_arduino_init()"/>
<periodic fun="dw1000_arduino_periodic()" freq="10"/>
<periodic fun="dw1000_arduino_report()" freq="10" autorun="FALSE"/>
<periodic fun="dw1000_reset_heading_ref()" freq="1" autorun="FALSE"/>
<event fun="dw1000_arduino_event()"/>
<configure name="DW1000_ARDUINO_UART" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="DW1000_ARDUINO_BAUD" default="B115200"/>
<file name="dw1000_arduino.c"/>
<file name="trilateration.c"/>
<define name="USE_$(DW1000_ARDUINO_UART_UPPER)"/>
<define name="DW1000_ARDUINO_DEV" value="$(DW1000_ARDUINO_UART_LOWER)"/>
<define name="$(DW1000_ARDUINO_UART_UPPER)_BAUD" value="$(DW1000_ARDUINO_BAUD)"/>