Paparazzi UAS  v5.14.0_stable-0-g3f680d1
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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takeoff_detect module

Fixed-wing automatic launch detection

When loaded, the pitch angle of plane is monitored, and will trigger the launch variable if the angle goes over a specified value (nose up) for 2 seconds. The launch variable can be reset to FALSE by pointing the nose to the ground. The module disables itself within a few seconds (4s) after detecting the launch. It can be re-actiaved by hand from the GCS.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

1 <module name="takeoff_detect"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: TO_DETECT
    • name TAKEOFF_DETECT_LAUNCH_PITCH value: 30.
      Description: Picth angle for takeoff detection (set 'launch' to TRUE)
    • name TAKEOFF_DETECT_ABORT_PITCH value: -20.
      Description: Pitch angle to abort takeoff (set 'launch' to FALSE)
    • name TAKEOFF_DETECT_TIMER value: 2.
      Description: Timer for takeoff detection in seconds (default 2s above pitch angle threshold)
      Description: Timer for module de-activation (default 4s after the launch detection)

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.

Periodic Functions

These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw takeoff_detect.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="takeoff_detect" dir="nav">
Fixed-wing automatic launch detection
When loaded, the pitch angle of plane is monitored, and will trigger the launch variable
if the angle goes over a specified value (nose up) for 2 seconds.
The launch variable can be reset to FALSE by pointing the nose to the ground.
The module disables itself within a few seconds (4s) after detecting the launch.
It can be re-actiaved by hand from the GCS.
<section name="TO_DETECT">
<define name="TAKEOFF_DETECT_LAUNCH_PITCH" value="30." unit="deg" description="Picth angle for takeoff detection (set 'launch' to TRUE)"/>
<define name="TAKEOFF_DETECT_ABORT_PITCH" value="-20." unit="deg" description="Pitch angle to abort takeoff (set 'launch' to FALSE)"/>
<define name="TAKEOFF_DETECT_TIMER" value="2." description="Timer for takeoff detection in seconds (default 2s above pitch angle threshold)"/>
<define name="TAKEOFF_DETECT_DISABLE_TIMER" value="4." description="Timer for module de-activation (default 4s after the launch detection)"/>
<file name="takeoff_detect.h"/>
<init fun="takeoff_detect_init()"/>
<periodic fun="takeoff_detect_periodic()" freq="20" autorun="TRUE" start="takeoff_detect_start()"/>
<file name="takeoff_detect.c"/>