This module generates a forcefield based on range sensor measurements the use of single point range sensor
No detailed description...
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
1 <module name="laser_range_array"/>
2 <module name="range_forcefield"/>
Module configuration options
Airframe file section
- section name:
- name
value: 1.
Description: The inner border of the range forcefield, where the MAV will avoid the obstacle with the maximum velocity as given by MIN_VEL (in meters)
- name
value: 1.4
Description: The outer border of the range forcefield, where the MAV will start avoiding with velocity determined on the range measurement (starts with MIN_VEL)
- name
value: 0.0
Description: The minimum velocity which forces the MAV out of the forcefield (in [m/s])
- name
value: 0.5
Description: The maximum velocity which forces the MAV out of the forcefield (in [m/s])
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Periodic Functions
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw range_forcefield.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="range_forcefield" dir="range_forcefield">
<description>This module generates a forcefield based on range sensor measurements the use of single point range sensor </description>
<section name="RANGE_FORCEFIELD" prefix="RANGE_FORCEFIELD_">
<define name="INNER_LIMIT" value="1." description="The inner border of the range forcefield, where the MAV will avoid the obstacle with the maximum velocity as given by MIN_VEL (in meters)"/>
<define name="OUTER_LIMIT" value="1.4" description="The outer border of the range forcefield, where the MAV will start avoiding with velocity determined on the range measurement (starts with MIN_VEL)"/>
<define name="MIN_VEL" value="0.0" description="The minimum velocity which forces the MAV out of the forcefield (in [m/s])"/>
<define name="MAX_VEL" value="0.5" description="The maximum velocity which forces the MAV out of the forcefield (in [m/s])"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Range Velocity Force Field">
<dl_setting var="range_forcefield_param.inner_limit" min="0.5" step="0.1" max="3." module="range_forcefield/range_forcefield" shortname="inner_limit" param="RANGE_FORCEFIELD_INNER_LIMIT"/>
<dl_setting var="range_forcefield_param.outer_limit" min="0.5" step="0.1" max="3." module="range_forcefield/range_forcefield" shortname="outer_limit" param="RANGE_FORCEFIELD_OUTER_LIMIT"/>
<dl_setting var="range_forcefield_param.min_vel" min="0.0" step="0.1" max="1." module="range_forcefield/range_forcefield" shortname="min_vel" param="RANGE_FORCEFIELD_MIN_VEL"/>
<dl_setting var="range_forcefield_param.max_vel" min="0.1" step="0.1" max="5." module="range_forcefield/range_forcefield" shortname="max_vel" param="RANGE_FORCEFIELD_MIN_VEL"/>
<file name="range_forcefield.h"/>
<init fun="range_forcefield_init()"/>
<periodic fun="range_forcefield_periodic()" freq="10"/>
<file name="range_forcefield.c"/>