Important to know is that sw/ext/opencv_bebop must be downloaded, and made. After this is done the folder sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install has a opencv.xml file. The LDFLAGS in this file should be the same as in this conf file.
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_opencvdemo" dir="computer_vision">
<description>This example shows how opencv can be used on (for example) the Bebop drone.
Important to know is that sw/ext/opencv_bebop must be downloaded, and made.
After this is done the folder sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install has a opencv.xml file.
The LDFLAGS in this file should be the same as in this conf file.
<define name="OPENCVDEMO_CAMERA" value="front_camera|bottom_camera" description="Video device to use"/>
<define name="OPENCVDEMO_FPS" value="0" description="The (maximum) frequency to run the calculations at. If zero, it will max out at the camera frame rate"/>
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.h"/>
<init fun="opencvdemo_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.c"/>
<file name="opencv_example.cpp"/>
<file name="opencv_image_functions.cpp"/>
<flag name="CXXFLAGS" value="I$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install/include"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install/lib" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lopencv_world" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install/share/OpenCV/3rdparty/lib" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ltegra_hal" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lzlib" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibjpeg" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibpng" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibtiff" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lstdc++" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ldl" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lm" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lpthread" />
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lrt" />
<makefile target="nps">
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.c"/>
<file name="opencv_example.cpp"/>
<file name="opencv_image_functions.cpp"/>
nps.CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config opencv --cflags)
nps.LDFLAGS += -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core