Paparazzi UAS  v5.14.0_stable-0-g3f680d1
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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actuators_asctec module

Actuators Driver for Asctec V1 ESC

required xml configuration:

  • servo section with driver="Asctec"
  • command_laws section to map motor_mixing commands to servos

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!

1 <module name="actuators_asctec">
2  <configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV" value="i2cX" />
3  <configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME" value="150" />
4 </module>

Module configuration options

Configure Options

  • name: ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV value: i2cX
    Description: I2C port (default i2c1)
  • name: ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME value: 150
    Description: configurable I2C timing on lpc21 boards


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw actuators_asctec.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="actuators_asctec" dir="actuators" task="actuators">
Actuators Driver for Asctec V1 ESC
required xml configuration:
- servo section with driver="Asctec"
- command_laws section to map motor_mixing commands to servos
<configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV" value="i2cX" description="I2C port (default i2c1)"/>
<configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME" value="150" description="configurable I2C timing on lpc21 boards"/>
<file name="actuators_asctec.h" dir="subsystems/actuators"/>
<makefile target="!sim|nps">
<configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV" default="i2c1" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME" default="150"/>
<define name="ACTUATORS"/>
<define name="$(ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV_UPPER)_SCLL" value="$(ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME)" cond="ifeq ($(ARCH), lpc21)"/>
<define name="$(ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV_UPPER)_SCLH" value="$(ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_SCL_TIME)" cond="ifeq ($(ARCH), lpc21)"/>
<file name="actuators_asctec.c" dir="subsystems/actuators"/>
<makefile target="nps">
<define name="USE_I2C0"/>
<define name="ACTUATORS_ASCTEC_I2C_DEV" value="i2c0"/>
<file name="actuators_asctec.c" dir="subsystems/actuators"/>