Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
actuators_sts3032 module

Feetech sts3032 servo.

Their range is 0->4095. Configure min, neutral and max accordingly.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!

<module name="actuators_sts3032">
b'<configure name="STS3032_UART" value="UARTX" />\n '
b'<configure name="STS3032_BAUD" value="B1000000" />\n '

Module configuration options

Configure Options

  • name: STS3032_UART value: UARTX
    Description: UART on which STS3032 is connected
  • name: STS3032_BAUD value: B1000000
    Description: UART Baudrate, default to 1000000

Airframe file section

  • section name: STS3032 prefix: STS3032_
    • name IDS value: {1, 2}
      Description: Ids of the servos (in the actuators order)
    • name DELAY_MSG value: 1000
      Description: Delay to wait before sending an other message when a response is expected
    • name DELAY_MSG_MIN value: 0
      Description: Delay when no response is expected
    • name STS3032_RESPONSE_LEVEL value: 0
      Description: The response level of the servos

Module functions

Event Functions

These event functions are called in each cycle of the module event loop.

Periodic Functions

These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw actuators_sts3032.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="actuators_sts3032" dir="actuators" task="actuators">
Feetech sts3032 servo.
Their range is 0-&gt;4095. Configure min, neutral and max accordingly.
<configure name="STS3032_UART" value="UARTX" description="UART on which STS3032 is connected"/>
<configure name="STS3032_BAUD" value="B1000000" description="UART Baudrate, default to 1000000"/>
<section name="STS3032" prefix="STS3032_">
<define name="IDS" value="{1, 2}" description="Ids of the servos (in the actuators order)"/>
<define name="DELAY_MSG" value="1000" description="Delay to wait before sending an other message when a response is expected"/>
<define name="DELAY_MSG_MIN" value="0" description="Delay when no response is expected"/>
<define name="STS3032_RESPONSE_LEVEL" value="0" description="The response level of the servos"/>
<dl_settings name="STS3032">
<dl_setting var="sts3032_enabled" min="0" max="1" step="1" shortname="enable"/>
<dl_setting var="sts3032_current_id" min="1" max="253" step="1" shortname="ID"/>
<dl_setting var="sts3032_future_id" min="1" max="252" step="1" shortname="set id" handler="set_id" header="actuators/actuators_sts3032"></dl_setting>
<dl_setting var="sts3032_lock_eprom" min="0" max="1" step="1" shortname="lock EPROM" handler="lock_eprom" header="actuators/actuators_sts3032"></dl_setting>
<dl_setting var="sts3032_move" min="0" max="4094" step="1" shortname="move" handler="move" header="actuators/actuators_sts3032"></dl_setting>
<dl_setting var="sts3032_response_level" min="0" max="1" step="1" shortname="set response level" handler="set_response_level" header="actuators/actuators_sts3032"></dl_setting>
<file name="actuators_sts3032.h"/>
<periodic fun="actuators_sts3032_periodic()" freq="20" autorun="TRUE"/>
<event fun="actuators_sts3032_event()"/>
<configure name="STS3032_UART" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="STS3032_BAUD" default="B1000000"/>
<define name="USE_$(STS3032_UART_UPPER)"/>
<define name="STS3032_DEV" value="$(STS3032_UART_LOWER)"/>
<define name="$(STS3032_UART_UPPER)_BAUD" value="$(STS3032_BAUD)"/>
<define name="$(STS3032_UART_UPPER)_CR3" value="USART_CR3_HDSEL"/>
<file name="actuators_sts3032.c"/>
<file name="circular_buffer.c" dir="utils"/>
<define name="SERVOS_STS3032_NB" value="2" />
<define name="STS3032_IDS" value="{1,2}" />
<define name="STS3032_DEV" value="uart1"/>
<define name="USE_UART1" />